Mail or sms by -X profit ? - page 3


HI :)

oky compile not work bat im have one bug

'initVar' - variable not defined D:\..................\MetaTrader4\experts\Profit Alert.mq4 (24, 7)

#include <stderror.mqh>
#include <stdlib.mqh>

#define NL                 "\n"    
#define TAB                "\t"

extern double ProfitTarget = 1.00;
extern double LossTarget = -1.00;
extern bool EmailCommunication = true;
string SubjectLine = "A simple rule to follow when posting";
string Body = "I will not post the same question in multiple threads";
int err;
bool doOnce = false;
bool initVar = false; //<---- add this line

HI :) kompilation work .. alarm work.

bat dis script gib ONE alarm :/

when the rate was one time the alarm is then -0.1

But after 5 minutes is +0.1 and
the alarm is silent

can you install one in the script reset all 2minutes?

I have the program now trimming process after each alarm so it goes again: (