trying to make a tweezer bottom / top condition with + or - tolerance level

Hi all

I need to create some sort of tolerance code to be + or - 2 or something similar ?

Here is what I did so far

bool tweezerbottoms = false;
         if(Bid < B && Low[2]*pips2points==Low[1]*pips2points)
            tweezerbottoms = true;
            if(tweezerbottoms == true)
            Print("tweezers = true");

So in this case I have something == something, however what I really want is something that operates with a sort of +/- tolerance level for each side of the comparison
So that the tweezers would not have to be exactly == but could be + or - 2 or something like this ?

Where do you suggest attacking this topic ?



You mean like this ?

double tweezers;

tweezers = 9.3;

if (tweezers > 8.5 && tweezers < 9.5)  do something;

You mean like this ?


I was thinking of something like this too, but tweezers require 2 candles basically comparing the lows of the 2 candles.
So let me consider this in text for a min and see if I can use something like this.

Let see:

if(Low[1]*pips2points >= Low[2]*pips2points +2*pips2points  || Low[1]*pips2points <= Low[2]*pips2points -2*pips2points

Or maybe something like this:

bool tweezers = false;
if(Low[1]*pips2points >= Low[2]*pips2points +2*pips2points  || Low[1]*pips2points <= Low[2]*pips2points -2*pips2points
tweezers = true;

I don't really do not like the bool version, but it could be useful I guess.
Anyhow man this got me thinking good on some stuff now I was getting stuck here, thanks.

Do you see any problems with doing something like this.



Do you see any problems with doing something like this.

Yes . . . .

Low[x] is a price value, why are you trying to turn it into points ?

wow, I blew that one, I was trying to turn it into a 4 digit price since my broker is a 5 digit and so + or - 2 points would not really be what I'm looking for.
I might need to convert to be sure I'm getting the right values, but anyhow I'm getting it.

I see you made a range with the > and < so this is good
How bout this ? B is my B of my ABCD scheme So in this part of the code it is B high, so the signal must be < B

if(Bid < B && Low[1]>=Low[2]-2 && Low[1]<=Low[2]+2)

I guess I could adjust this if I want more then 2 tolerance, maybe I'll make an extern variable so the user can adjust the tolerance levels

Anyhow, thanks for the input and responses


Anyhow, thanks for the input and responses

You are adding/subtracting 2 to/from a price ? Take an example of GBPUSD, current price is around 1.58 . . . what do you get if you subtract 2 from that ?