Can i have more than one BIn files?


I have a few functions in my ea, one writes info to file, mydata.dat and the other to mydata.dat3

                                              int handle3=FileOpen("mydata.dat3", FILE_BIN|FILE_READ);
                                               if (handle3>0)
                                               int g=FileReadArray(handle3,ticketnumber,0,1000);

                                            int handle5=FileOpen("mydata.dat", FILE_BIN|FILE_READ);
                                               if (handle5>0)
                                              int  s=FileReadArray(handle5,ticket2,0,1000);


My problem is, i try to read the info from one file to compare with the info on the other. But i seem to be reading mydata.dat twice?? even though i specify as below..

  1. Compare the two files - are you sure they are different?
  2. Look at the writing code.
  1. Compare the two files - are you sure they are different?
  2. Look at the writing code.

They are different as far as i can see. the files have two different names. Here is the part that writes the file.
int handle3=FileOpen("mydata.dat3", FILE_BIN|FILE_WRITE);
           ticketnumber[i]= OrderTicket();
           int g=FileWriteArray(handle3,ticketnumber,0,1000);
Anyone a solution to my problem?