Compiling Mql4/Mql5 in different IDE?


Is my understanding correct that someone could compile a different language within a general purpose IDE (Integrated Development Environment)? Example compiling Mql4 from Note-Pad++, I think it'll be a matter of setting the path and checking error messages in windows shell...But I'm not sure if it's really even possible.

If so, can someone also hint as to how I'll go about setting it up and checking the Compile logs. Thanks.


Metalang.exe is the compiler used to create ex4 files. You can setup it in editor to compile mq4 files directly, without Metaeditor GUI.

Regards, Luke

Yeah but how? Lets say I created the codes using plain Notepad and Created a .txt doc. Do I just drag the .txt doc to Metalang? Do I open command prompt and specify a path. Also, where do I get info about errors while compiling. Would metalang create a txt file with the errors. Where would that log be?
I use notepad2. I added a Windoze file association of .mql4 with MetaEditor.exe Pressing ctrl-L (execute document) brings up the file in the compiler just as double clicking on the icon in explorer does.

K thx... I'll try that.