Change code Trendlines (help)

hello everyone,

I searched on the net but I have not found what I wanted, so I hope you can help me.
I use this indicator to my strategy:"sf_trendlines", but I want to modify it to meet a specific time.
For example say, "2:00 pm trace the trendlines of the last 30 minutes."
Basically saying, "at a certain time (configurable), trace the trendlines of both elapsed time (configurable)."

It is possible?
If anyone can take a look it would be nice.
Gros bisous

ps: sorry for my English


Basically "at a certain time (configurable), trace the trendlines of both elapsed time (configurable)."
It is possible?
If anyone can take a look it would be nice.
  1. extern double drawTLHr = 7.5; // Draw at 0730
    int start(){
        datetime    now         = TimeCurrent(),
                    bod         = now % 86400;          // Beginning of the day
        int         tod         = now - bod,            // Time of day.
                    drawTime    = drawTLHr * 3600;
        static datetime nextDraw;
        if (tod >= drawTime && now > nextDraw){    // Time to trace
            lastDraw = bod + 86400;                // Only once until tomorrow
  2. Anything is possible if you can state it clearly enough.
  3. No Slaves here, learn to code or pay someone. We're not going to code it FOR you. We are willing to HELP you.

    datetime    now         = TimeCurrent();
    int         tod         = now % 86400;            // Time of day.
    datetime    bod         = now - tod;              // Beginning of the day