ERR_INCORRECT_SERIESARRAY_USING 4054 Incorrect series array using.

does anybody know why this error comes:
ERR_INCORRECT_SERIESARRAY_USING 4054 Incorrect series array using.

and how to slove? i dont find enough discription in metatrader documentation


It might help if you show some of your code . . .

Are you using an array that is not "setasseries" for an Indicator buffer ?

I am using a string array in a EA programm and get then always this message. But now i have make that what you say "setasseries" and i will look if that does help or if it write again always thats message. thank you for the tip.
I am using a string array in a EA programm and get then always this message.
Indicator buffers must be type DOUBLE: bool SetIndexBuffer(int index, double array[])