Newbie question: how to get chart foreground color


Hi all,

How can I get the foreground color of a chart? I want to display text in foreground color but could not find a way to get that color.

thanks in advance

You could probably use a variation of this:
You could probably use a variation of this:

Thanks but I do not think it would work for foreground color. The method described picks the color of pixel 1,2 of the chart as the background color. How can I know which pixel has the foreground color?

The foreground color is certainly available somewhere. I have an indicator for "time for next candle" that uses the foreground color to display the text.


Thanks but I do not think it would work for foreground color. The method described picks the color of pixel 1,2 of the chart as the background color. How can I know which pixel has the foreground color?

The foreground color is certainly available somewhere. I have an indicator for "time for next candle" that uses the foreground color to display the text.

Take a screen grab, open the screen grab in MSPaint, count the pixels . . .