Statistics of a anti-grid like system - page 7

Sorry Mr moderator.

Will not happen again, I promise, my only concern was to contact the zzuegg forero will understand, my writing in English leaves much to be desired,
Your English is excellent, thank you :-)
quite old thread, I know, but I would like .
it is a shame that such an interesting topic has been destroyed by a series of posts, useful to anyone, consisting of pages without any essence or substance, aimed only to deny the validity of a system that seems to be very interesting instead.
What contribution is provided to the community by saying "this system can not work because it is a mathematical fact that it can not work"? What can you learn from a discussion geared in such a way? 
I think this thread was a good opportunity to learn something new about grid systems, opportunity that have been completely wasted.
I do not understand how it is possible that in a thread dedicated to the discussion of a trading system, you someone loses so much time talking about expectancy, probabilities and these "mathematical facts" that are completely out of place, since many of the assumptions on which these "mathematical facts" are constructed can not be taken as true in the market, makeing them become of little use or even dangerous if used with too much rigor. 
I wonder why no one said, for example, that for once there seems to be a grid system that recovers the stop loss before the next stop loss is reached, which is not something easy to achieve in my experience.
Why no one said that this is a system, which is not optimised, that from the first backtest result seems to have an yearly  Profit/DD ratio that is close to 10, that is absolutely massive? I challenge every expectancy lover to achieve these result with a system based on indicators, or with one of those statistical systems that will probably be so ridiculously over optimised resulting in absolute uselessness.
Come on traders, be traders.

I wonder if Zuegg has further developed his system, and if after a few years his system is still behaving so well.


Best regards :)