How to use Jmi8



does anyone know something about jmi8 ?

I found an unknown process called Ex45jmi8.exe,running on my PC

in Google i found, that this could be a protection mechanism against decompilation of MT4 programs.

But I never have done anything on my MT4, to protect my Exefile. Visiting those WebSites, offering such protection look like Junk-info to me.

so I don't know how to deal with this subject.


Find where the file is stored on your hard drive, that might give you a clue.

Have you downloaded any EAs or Indicators that may be protected in this way ? find the file and run a virus scan on it . . .


Find where the file is stored on your hard drive, that might give you a clue.

Have you downloaded any EAs or Indicators that may be protected in this way ? find the file and run a virus scan on it . . .

Hello RaptorUK,

That's what I have already done . The process is located in the Win Dir, and its not clear, from where I have got it.

I do not download any MT4 Data except those from normal MT4 installations .


Hello RaptorUK,

That's what I have already done . The process is located in the Win Dir, and its not clear, from where I have got it.

I do not download any MT4 Data except those from normal MT4 installations .


Sorry, the question is obsolete, I examined the forum and found, that this is a legal mechanism, used by software distributors.

Also try right clicking on the exe and look at it's properties then Details if present . . .