Description of strategy


HI, I have an MQL code with me which is DT_ZZ_Impuls_Slope. Can anyone let me know how this works? I am trying to convert this in another platform. I want the description of this Indicator.



I am trying to convert this in another platform.

If you are able to code for another platform why can't you read the MQL4 code and figure it out for yourself ? it's not exactly a lengthy bit of code . . .

Hi Raptor,

I have done a couple of Conversions earlier... I have done this as well, But I am struked with a small bug.. If I know the concepts, then I can code it in tradestation very easily..

Can you please help me..




But I am struked with a small bug..

Can you please help me..

What is the bug ?


if( lasthighpos>curlowpos )
min=100000; pos=lasthighpos; ****************************************************************************
for(i=lasthighpos; i>=curlowpos; i--)
if (zzL[i]==0.0) continue;
Can you Please let me know why these lines are written, when the Min and pos is not used anywhere else in the Program?
if (zzL[i]<=min)
min=zzL[i]; pos=i;

} ************************************************

Please let me know why these lines are written
The original programmer didn't delete them.