Why would Multiple MT4 Clients running same 'simple' profile give different results ?


Run 9 terminal.exe's each from different MT4 folder tree.

Each Client Terminal has same profile running: 10 charts.

10 charts: each have simple EA counting ticks (via entry to start() count) and on new bar Comment() the concatenated previous bar's count

EG, "10, 25,20,30, .."


total 9 MT4s running.

Each MT4 has 10 EAs running as explained above.


giving some allowance for a few bars to ensure all are running and [apparently] on the same waveband..., I observe that the Comment() fields contain unequal tick counts. Not much but enough to be noticeable

EG, on 3 MT4s chart USD/JPY,M15

.., 445, 427, 392

.., 446, 431, 390

.., 429, 429, 391

.., 442, 425, 389


What could cause this?


H/W is 4core i5 @3.30GHz 4GB/1600MHz

Rough Ballpark cpu usage is ~20-30%

O/S is Linux 2.6.35-22, Wine environment to run MT4.

Here. I think SDC answers your question.
Here. I think SDC answers your question.

Yes, I am grateful for your link. Good reading and looking on the bright side / technical side... I had 100 charts/EAs running via 10 Terminal connections to server including the issue of one platform (regardless of number of cpu cores!) Then there is my comms connection and the [most likely] many and convoluted hops between + so many other considerations...

So ok... bound to be discrepancies of raw incoming tick counts.

Will go back and just have one chart/EA per Terminal and most likely see different less variant outcome..

This forum has always been a pain [at times] regards searching. I generally use google site:.. these days but still, hitting the keyword sweet spot is problematic at best - lol
