MM - percent of Balance

No limit, no stop loss

I would like to set the robot to follow the following procedure:

- for each entrance to use a certain percentage, inserted in advance, of the balance as a margin.

For instance:

1000 $ x 5 % = 50 $ margin

Until now, i have develop the following code.

extern double Lots = 0.1;
extern double MinLot = 0.1;
extern double MaxLot = 5.0;
extern int LotPrec = 1;
extern bool DynamicLot = false;
extern double LotStep = 0.1;
extern double BalanceStep = 500;
double GetLots() 
  double lots = Lots;
  if (DynamicLot)
    lots = NormalizeDouble(LotStep*AccountBalance()/BalanceStep, LotPrec);  
  lots = MathMax(lots, MinLot);
  lots = MathMin(lots, MaxLot);
  return (lots);
Don't hard code numbers (lotPrec/MaxLot...). LotPrec assumes lotStep=0.1; can only be adjusted 1.0 0.1 0.01, fails for 0.5 for example.
    double  lotStep         = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_LOTSTEP),   //IBFX= 0.01
            MaxLot          = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MAXLOT );   //IBFX=50.00
            MinLot          = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MINLOT),
    lots = MathCeil(LotStep*AccountBalance()/BalanceStep/lotStep)*lotStep;
  lots = MathMax(lots, MinLot);
  lots = MathMin(lots, MaxLot);
double LotOptimized()
    int Percent   =5;                                           // % of free margin
    double Free   =AccountFreeMargin();                         // Free margin
    double One_Lot=MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_MARGINREQUIRED);    // 1 lot price
    double Step   =MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_LOTSTEP);           // Size step changed
    double Lots_New=MathFloor(Free*Percent/100/One_Lot/Step)*Step;
Is it ok. 5 percent of balance in each deal. Thx