Attention BURU Demo Account Traders


Hi, I started using Buru from IBFX and I just got this message. Here I share the info for your knowledge (they send the images as well):

"Dear Buru Trader,

We want to inform you about the incident that took place today on demo accounts running the buru EA. The minor losses that resulted from today were not due to the EA malfunctioning. These small losses were due to a price spike that affected only accounts on the demo server. This did not affect any of the live accounts. IBFX has ensured us that the demo server is now in sync with the live servers so that this situation does not happen again. We apologize for this inconvenience. All live buru accounts were profitable today.

This demo account shows the price spike at the time indicated by the arrow.

The live account during this same time frame was not affected.

As always, please contact us if you have any questions or comments.

High Regards,

Buru Support"

Does anyone has deeper experience with Buru? I would like to exchange knowledge.

Good pips!


  1. Up to 400:1 Leverage - With up to 400:1 leverage you can increase your market exposure by 8 times over the default 50:1 leverage for US brokers.*
  2. Full Hedging - No limits & No margin used on like pairs.
  3. Deep Liquidity - Our proprietary multi-bank order routing system provides great pricing and execution from our global bank partnerships.
  4. Safety of Funds - Client funds with IBFX Australia are segregated, which means that IBFX Australia cannot use client funds for business purposes.**
  5. All Expert Advisors Welcome - including scalpers.

Got again an e-mail, my comments:

1st, you really can set up the leverage (one of the only thing you change), I use 200:1 and I'm fine with it.

2nd, well, it's based on technical analysis and they seem to work well.

3rd, I can imagine that their liquid with all the partners and their interbank business, no doubt.

4th, hope so, can't say at the moment.

5th, yes that's true and good so.

However, Buru works fine for me so far and I'll try to do more tests and comparison in future. I start using it for a few clients and my personal asset allocation.

What do think about using an auto-trader and manual trading? I use a core-satellite strategy, core (auto) and satellite (active manual). Do you recommend it to me for my clients. I don't have that many at the moment and would like to increase the number, auto-trading is a good way to do it, right?

I would appreciate comments and feedback.



Very interesting but is not MQL4 coding related

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Hi, I started using Buru from IBFX and I just got this message. Here I share the info for your knowledge (they send the images as well):

"Dear Buru Trader,

We want to inform you about the incident that took place today on demo accounts running the buru EA. The minor losses that resulted from today were not due to the EA malfunctioning. These small losses were due to a price spike that affected only accounts on the demo server. This did not affect any of the live accounts. IBFX has ensured us that the demo server is now in sync with the live servers so that this situation does not happen again. We apologize for this inconvenience. All live buru accounts were profitable today.

This demo account shows the price spike at the time indicated by the arrow.

The live account during this same time frame was not affected.

As always, please contact us if you have any questions or comments.

High Regards,

Buru Support"

Does anyone has deeper experience with Buru? I would like to exchange knowledge.

Good pips!


Buru I considered a very reliable EA until it burnt my account in 24 hours of trading. The account stood at $11500 by the time it had finished it was worth $238!! The biggest draw down I have ever suffered it finished @ 11:14 BST 28th March 2011