Problem searching the forum


Hello Folks.

Since yesterday I can't search on the top right of this site any more.

The error always is "Keywords or characters in search string is ignored for they were too short or incorrect" - no matter what I put in there.

Does anybody know what the reason is?




Hello Folks.

Since yesterday I can't search on the top right of this site any more.

The error always is "Keywords or characters in search string is ignored for they were too short or incorrect" - no matter what I put in there.

Does anybody know what the reason is?



yes, we all face the same problem, until today still the same.

Since when?

Is there some kind of an update made to the forum software or is this problem existing since a while? Didn't use the search box for quite a bit.


Since when?

Is there some kind of an update made to the forum software or is this problem existing since a while? Didn't use the search box for quite a bit.

I think they(the moderators) should let us know when this problems happen. How difficult could be to post a "sticky" post at the top of the forum to let everyone know when there is a problem?

The search has never been any good on this forum when you consider over the years the thousands of posts there must be on here covering every topic imaginable i am lucky if i ever got two relevent results when i do a search for something, i find better results if i use google and do "mql4" plus the topic i am interested in

google: what ever