Subscribing to signal providers



 If I click Subscribe to a free signal provider, will I just receive the signals or will my account start to automatically copy those signals?

Thank you 

Trading signals
Trading signals
Trading Signals for MetaTrader: social trading, mirror trading, copy trading and account monitoring


 If I click Subscribe to a free signal provider, will I just receive the signals or will my account start to automatically copy those signals?

Thank you 

It will execute the trades signalled by the signals.
It will execute the trades signalled by the signals.

Thank you


Is there a way to just receive them without executing? At this stage I only would like to keep an eye on them for a bit. 



Thank you


Is there a way to just receive them without executing? At this stage I only would like to keep an eye on them for a bit. 


The only is the check the data on this website.