How to remove Job assigned and make it open



I posted a job few days back. This person agreed to it and started implementing it but all till date i get is wrong code which is worthless and i don't see a way that i can reject this person the job and make the job open so i can get someone responsible bidding for same.

Earliest help would be great.

NOTE: If i am posting at wrong place, please let me know where can i post this to? Sorry about posting to wrong forum if i am posting so, but this seemed most matching forum.





I posted a job few days back. This person agreed to it and started implementing it but all till date i get is wrong code which is worthless and i don't see a way that i can reject this person the job and make the job open so i can get someone responsible bidding for same.

Earliest help would be great.

NOTE: If i am posting at wrong place, please let me know where can i post this to? Sorry about posting to wrong forum if i am posting so, but this seemed most matching forum.



Write to Service Desk for help.

If the job is already done and finish then you may have to ask Service Desk for arbitrage.