Please help with this quick bit of coding... - page 3


Hello again

I think I explained my goal a badly, here is a code that I have found that almost does what I require:

//| Igrok.mq4 |
//| Andrei Andreev |
//| |

//| ^X_Sensors.mq4 |
//| Version 2.0.1 |
//| Copyright © 2007, Mr.WT, Senior Linux Hacker |
//| |
#property copyright "Andrei Andreev"
#property link ""

#property indicator_chart_window
extern int ForDays=1;
extern int _Shift = 10;
extern color _R_Color = Crimson;
extern color _S_Color = Gold;

int _N_Time, _My_Period, ObjectId;
int init() {


_N_Time = 0;

ObjectCreate("S1 line", OBJ_TREND, 0, Time[_Shift], 0, Time[0], 0);

ObjectCreate("R1 line", OBJ_TREND, 0, Time[_Shift], 0, Time[0], 0);
ObjectCreate("R2 line", OBJ_TREND, 0, Time[_Shift], 0, Time[0], 0);

ObjectSet("S1 line", OBJPROP_RAY, 1);
ObjectSet("S1 line", OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_DASH);
ObjectSet("S1 line", OBJPROP_COLOR, _S_Color);

ObjectSet("R1 line", OBJPROP_RAY, 1);
ObjectSet("R1 line", OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_DASH);
ObjectSet("R1 line", OBJPROP_COLOR, _R_Color);

ObjectSet("R2 line", OBJPROP_RAY, 1);
ObjectSet("R2 line", OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_DASH);
ObjectSet("R2 line", OBJPROP_COLOR, _R_Color);

ObjectCreate("R1 label", OBJ_TEXT, 0, Time[0], 0);
ObjectCreate("R2 label", OBJ_TEXT, 0, Time[0], 0);

ObjectCreate("S1 label", OBJ_TEXT, 0, Time[0], 0);

ObjectId = 0;
int deinit() {

ObjectDelete("R1 label");
ObjectDelete("R1 line");
ObjectDelete("R2 label");
ObjectDelete("R2 line");

ObjectDelete("S1 label");
ObjectDelete("S1 line");

//| Custom indicator iteration function |
int start() {

if ( _N_Time == Time[0] ) return(0);

double open,close, high, low, koeff1, koeff2,P, R1, R2, S1;
double _rates[][6];
double AverageRange;

ArrayCopyRates(_rates, NULL, _My_Period);
int err = GetLastError();
if(err == 4066) {
if(iClose(NULL, _My_Period, 0) != Close[0]) {
close = _rates[1][4];
high = _rates[0][3];
low = _rates[0][2];
open = _rates[0][1];

for (int i=1;i<ForDays+1;i++)

R1 =low;
R2 =high;

string s1,r1,r2;

s1 = DoubleToStr(S1, Digits);

r1 = DoubleToStr(R1, Digits);
r2 = DoubleToStr(R2, Digits);

//---- Pivot Lines
ObjectSetText("R1 label", " Min "+r1+"", 8, "Fixedsys", _R_Color);
ObjectSetText("R2 label", " Max "+r2+"", 8, "Fixedsys", _R_Color);
ObjectSetText("S1 label", " Open "+s1+"", 8, "Fixedsys", _S_Color);

ObjectMove("R1 label", 0, Time[0], R1);
ObjectMove("R2 label", 0, Time[0], R2);

ObjectMove("S1 label", 0, Time[0], S1);

ObjectMove("S1 line", 0, Time[_Shift], S1);
ObjectMove("S1 line", 1, Time[0], S1);

ObjectMove("R1 line", 0, Time[_Shift], R1);
ObjectMove("R1 line", 1, Time[0], R1);

ObjectMove("R2 line", 0, Time[_Shift], R2);
ObjectMove("R2 line", 1, Time[0], R2);


_N_Time = Time[0];
//---- End Of Program

void ObDeleteObjectsByPrefix(string Prefix)
int L = StringLen(Prefix);
int i = 0;
while(i < ObjectsTotal())
string ObjName = ObjectName(i);
if(StringSubstr(ObjName, 0, L) != Prefix)

Its not my code but I downloaded as freeware, it basically draws lines on the chart showing the highest and lowest price for that trading day, it takes into account the whole of the candle including the shadows.

What I am trying to do is to get the indicator to only use the body of the candle and to ignore the shadow.

I hope this is better explained lol

Thank you




I think I explained my goal a badly, here is a code that I have found that almost does what I require:


R1 =low;
R2 =high;

Its not my code but I downloaded as freeware, it basically draws lines on the chart showing the highest and lowest price for that trading day, it takes into account the whole of the candle including the shadows.

What I am trying to do is to get the indicator to only use the body of the candle and to ignore the shadow.

  1. R1 =MathMin(open,close) //low;
    R2 =MathMax(open,close) //high;