Warning when trying to get historical quotes


I have this warning pop up when I try to get quotes:

You are going to download data from the "MetaQuotes Software Corp." history center,

but your account is opened on the "Interbank FX, LLC" trade server.

I don't know if that matters, but I do have beginning of the week data discrepancies.

This is a demo account, but I would like to get the real data if possible.



I don't know if that matters, but I do have beginning of the week data discrepancies.

This is a demo account, but I would like to get the real data if possible.

Are u talking about the 'Download' button in the history center? That only downloads data from MQ, which is not "real data", it's indicative data (an average of many sources).
OK, it was just a strange warning, they should just say that!