Pivot indicator - page 2

Raptor... sorry to bother you but one more fix. How do I push the labels so they are aligned to the right side of the chart?

Just caught me before I go to bed . . .

Find this:

void drawLabel(string name,double lvl,color Color)
    if(ObjectFind(name) != 0)
        ObjectCreate(name, OBJ_TEXT, 0, Time[10], lvl);
        ObjectSetText(name, name, 8, "Arial", EMPTY);
        ObjectSet(name, OBJPROP_COLOR, Color);

 and change the line marked

void drawLabel(string name,double lvl,color Color)
    if(ObjectFind(name) != 0)
        ObjectCreate(name, OBJ_TEXT, 0,    Time[0] ,    lvl);  //  <----- change this line
        ObjectSetText(name, name, 8, "Arial", EMPTY);
        ObjectSet(name, OBJPROP_COLOR, Color);

 If you want to move it farther right it gets a little more tricky.

Great stuff.. thanks a ton!!!