Anybody can cover this Indicator to EA


hi any body can conver this indicator to ez with sl and tp and time management

here is code

//| HMA.mq4
//| Copyright © 2006 WizardSerg <>, ?? ??????? ForexMagazine #104
//| Revised by IgorAD, |
//| Personalized by iGoR AKA FXiGoR for the Trend Slope Trading method (T_S_T)
//| Link:
//| contact:
#property copyright "MT4 release WizardSerg <>, ?? ??????? ForexMagazine #104"
#property link ""

#property indicator_chart_window
#property indicator_buffers 2
#property indicator_color1 Lime
#property indicator_color2 Red
//---- input parameters
extern int period=15;
extern int method=3; // MODE_SMA
extern int price=0; // PRICE_CLOSE
//---- buffers
double Uptrend[];
double Dntrend[];
double ExtMapBuffer[];
double prevtrend;

//| Custom indicator initialization function |
int init()
SetIndexBuffer(0, Uptrend);
//ArraySetAsSeries(Uptrend, true);
SetIndexBuffer(1, Dntrend);
//ArraySetAsSeries(Dntrend, true);
SetIndexBuffer(2, ExtMapBuffer);
ArraySetAsSeries(ExtMapBuffer, true);


IndicatorShortName("Execute Line("+period+")");

//| Custor indicator deinitialization function |
int deinit()
// ???? ????? ?????? ??????

//| ?????????? ??????? |
double WMA(int x, int p)
return(iMA(NULL, 0, p, 0, method, price, x));

//| Custom indicator iteration function |
int start()
int counted_bars = IndicatorCounted();

if(counted_bars < 0)

int x = 0;
int p = MathSqrt(period);
int e = Bars - counted_bars + period + 1;

double vect[], trend[];

if(e > Bars)
e = Bars;

ArrayResize(vect, e);
ArraySetAsSeries(vect, true);
ArrayResize(trend, e);
ArraySetAsSeries(trend, true);

for(x = 0; x < e; x++)
vect[x] = 2*WMA(x, period/2) - WMA(x, period);
// Print("Bar date/time: ", TimeToStr(Time[x]), " close: ", Close[x], " vect[", x, "] = ", vect[x], " 2*WMA(p/2) = ", 2*WMA(x, period/2), " WMA(p) = ", WMA(x, period));

for(x = 0; x < e-period; x++)

ExtMapBuffer[x] = iMAOnArray(vect, 0, p, 0, method, x);

for(x = e-period; x >= 0; x--)
trend[x] = trend[x+1];
if (ExtMapBuffer[x]> ExtMapBuffer[x+1]) trend[x] =1;
if (ExtMapBuffer[x]< ExtMapBuffer[x+1]) trend[x] =-1;

if (trend[x]>0)
{ Uptrend[x] = ExtMapBuffer[x];
if (trend[x+1]<0) {Uptrend[x+1]=ExtMapBuffer[x+1];

Dntrend[x] = EMPTY_VALUE;

if (trend[x]<0)
Dntrend[x] = ExtMapBuffer[x];
if (trend[x+1]>0) {Dntrend[x+1]=ExtMapBuffer[x+1];}

Uptrend[x] = EMPTY_VALUE;


//Print( " trend=",trend[x]);

//Comment(Dntrend[1]+" "+Dntrend[2]+" "+Uptrend[1]+" "+Uptrend[2]);

if (x==0){
if ((trend[1]*prevtrend)<0){Alert("TSR change");}





please help me i will attached code this one as well


Hello rajkiran_s this is checkmail and think this HMA curve repaints a lot mens there will be an considerable loss iif applied in an EA.

Well didn't made an EA on that but tried to follow it manually and the results are disturbing, more losses, 70-30loss-profit ratio.

Instead of HMA you many go for A/O(MACD), STOCS, RSI, or even MA curve Indicator which works best manually.

Am working on an EA with MA curve, if it is good might share it at mql4forums.


hi any body can conver this indicator to ez with sl and tp and time management

here is code

//| HMA.mq4
//| Copyright © 2006 WizardSerg <>, ?? ??????? ForexMagazine #104
//| Revised by IgorAD, |
//| Personalized by iGoR AKA FXiGoR for the Trend Slope Trading method (T_S_T)
//| Link:
//| contact:
#property copyright "MT4 release WizardSerg <>, ?? ??????? ForexMagazine #104"
#property link ""

#property indicator_chart_window
#property indicator_buffers 2
#property indicator_color1 Lime
#property indicator_color2 Red
//---- input parameters
extern int period=15;
extern int method=3; // MODE_SMA
extern int price=0; // PRICE_CLOSE
//---- buffers
double Uptrend[];
double Dntrend[];
double ExtMapBuffer[];
double prevtrend;

//| Custom indicator initialization function |
int init()
SetIndexBuffer(0, Uptrend);
//ArraySetAsSeries(Uptrend, true);
SetIndexBuffer(1, Dntrend);
//ArraySetAsSeries(Dntrend, true);
SetIndexBuffer(2, ExtMapBuffer);
ArraySetAsSeries(ExtMapBuffer, true);


IndicatorShortName("Execute Line("+period+")");

//| Custor indicator deinitialization function |
int deinit()
// ???? ????? ?????? ??????

//| ?????????? ??????? |
double WMA(int x, int p)
return(iMA(NULL, 0, p, 0, method, price, x));

//| Custom indicator iteration function |
int start()
int counted_bars = IndicatorCounted();

if(counted_bars < 0)

int x = 0;
int p = MathSqrt(period);
int e = Bars - counted_bars + period + 1;

double vect[], trend[];

if(e > Bars)
e = Bars;

ArrayResize(vect, e);
ArraySetAsSeries(vect, true);
ArrayResize(trend, e);
ArraySetAsSeries(trend, true);

for(x = 0; x < e; x++)
vect[x] = 2*WMA(x, period/2) - WMA(x, period);
// Print("Bar date/time: ", TimeToStr(Time[x]), " close: ", Close[x], " vect[", x, "] = ", vect[x], " 2*WMA(p/2) = ", 2*WMA(x, period/2), " WMA(p) = ", WMA(x, period));

for(x = 0; x < e-period; x++)

ExtMapBuffer[x] = iMAOnArray(vect, 0, p, 0, method, x);

for(x = e-period; x >= 0; x--)
trend[x] = trend[x+1];
if (ExtMapBuffer[x]> ExtMapBuffer[x+1]) trend[x] =1;
if (ExtMapBuffer[x]< ExtMapBuffer[x+1]) trend[x] =-1;

if (trend[x]>0)
{ Uptrend[x] = ExtMapBuffer[x];
if (trend[x+1]<0) {Uptrend[x+1]=ExtMapBuffer[x+1];

Dntrend[x] = EMPTY_VALUE;

if (trend[x]<0)
Dntrend[x] = ExtMapBuffer[x];
if (trend[x+1]>0) {Dntrend[x+1]=ExtMapBuffer[x+1];}

Uptrend[x] = EMPTY_VALUE;


//Print( " trend=",trend[x]);

//Comment(Dntrend[1]+" "+Dntrend[2]+" "+Uptrend[1]+" "+Uptrend[2]);

if (x==0){
if ((trend[1]*prevtrend)<0){Alert("TSR change");}





please help me i will attached code this one as well

hi any body can conver this indicator to ez with sl and tp and time management

  1. vect[x] = 2*WMA(x, period/2) - WMA(x, period); 
    All that is is a simple low lag moving average with two colors (trend up/trend down)
  2. No slaves here, either learn to code or pay someone.

Here is EA for this indicator.

_t_s_r__ea.ex4  61 kb

hi is it same code as i posted above and with your experience can you tell me wining ration.

thanks for your EA