EAtesting how to get list of each trade


hello guys

during testing I'd like to get the full list of trades, somthing like this:

trade n    p/l pips     p/l in $     p/l % 

1               200         1400$       0.2%

2               -300        -2100$     -0.3%

 someone know whether it's possible in meta trader? 


You mean - testing as forward testing (trading on demo account)? If yes so - in Toolbox - History - Deal, after that - Reports - html


You mean - testing as forward testing (trading on demo account)? If yes so - in Toolbox - History - Deal, after that - Reports - html

ok thanks, do you know if it can be exported ex in spreadsheet? or csv format
ok thanks, do you know if it can be exported ex in spreadsheet? or csv format
Of course, in the same popup menu as shown on the newdigital screenshot, there is an option Report, you can then choose between Excel an HTML format.