datetime value



I want to write the actual data and the time

extern int starthour = 8;

extern int startminute = 0;

in my variable

datetime starttime= 0;

How can I write this?



I want to write the actual data and the time

extern int starthour = 8;

extern int startminute = 0;

in my variable

datetime starttime= 0;

How can I write this?


Thanks you, but I have seen this side, before I asked my question!

But how can I write this:

starttime = Date of the day + starthour + startminute;


Thanks you, but I have seen this side, before I asked my question!

But how can I write this:

starttime = Date of the day + starthour + startminute;

Why don't u just use an extern of type datetime for input like so:

extern datetime starttime = D'08:00:00'

Why don't u just use an extern of type datetime for input like so:

Just a note though, if u intend to CHANGE the value of this variable via code during run, then it is recommended to pass that variable to a normal global param, since on every init()/deinit() your extern param will be reset to the last value u gave it with the properties window.