control live ea - page 2


There's the problem in a nutshell. I guess assuming my 2,500 line init function is trivial was the first mistake.


And by the way, thanks for ASSuming that I have not read the documentation. Maybe I'm not as bright as you think you are and don't retain 110% of everything I read... And I do think it's worth worrying about other people when I comment.

I guess running in forward testing and backtesting for about 3 months before commiting any money to my account does not qualify as sufficient backtesting. Did it occur to you that I may have done extensive backtesting and forward demo account testing but did not have need to change variables while hot before?

I guess not. There you go ASSuming again.

The fact that u did not take into consideration a trivial and almost certain situation of having a deinit() call at some point during expert run is proof that u did not test your expert sufficiently, and that u have not read the manual thoroughly enough. Expecting people to thoroughly give u any and all existing information when answering a general question such as the one u asked is simply ridiculous. If u have specific questions, u will get specific answers. When asking a general question, expect a general answer that does not include all possible details and information.

But from now on I'll take the liberty of assuming that u do not need or want my help. Have a nice life.