How do you deinitialise an EA?

I am testing an EA that is taking too long by running over the entire test period for each pass despite running out of money at a much earlier time in some passes. How can I stop or terminate this EA during testing
I am testing an EA that is taking too long by running over the entire test period for each pass despite running out of money at a much earlier time in some passes. How can I stop or terminate this EA during testing
Click on Stop button.
I meant in code... but I have actually found a way around this. Just use


My EA is not that bad ;-(
Are you sure return; will terminate it during testing?
It worked in my situation... and this was within OnTick()
It worked in my situation... and this was within OnTick()
Return in onTick don't terminate (or deinitialize) the execution of an EA, it simply ends the current OnTick execution.