Yet another Manually Trading tool,pls help consummate it


What's this:

I wrote this script a long time ago, to help exercise and test my trading system, not with EA, but with manual trade.....Recently I find an EA (vhandstrade) out there, called Manually Trading, I say: it's just what I've done. And why use my solution? vhandstrade is so "real time"--- when you decide to order, it'll take effect with next bar's CLOSE price, not OPEN price, which will make a huge difference, usually hundred pips.

In short, my script has the same purpose, but a different solution --- in tester mode (I write an EA "null" doing nothing), in order to trade, you just draw some arrows on the chart, whereabout of arrow will express when and price of your position. For PRICE you'll have to be accurate so that you'll get a good final evaluation of your trading system. For WHEN, you'll have to forget accuration and make it clear the sequence of arrows: there're only 2 kinds of arrows involved(UP ARROW and DOWN ARROW, but recently I change them to LEFT/RIGHT PRICE LABEL which give better price accuration), for instance: the script will decide an UP ARROW means whether to build a long position or to close a short position, that's totally decided by sequence of arrows. I write a indi to show on chart: when it says 2 means you've bought 2 long positions,(if minus, means short), then when 0 means you've close all those positions and you could begin new trade.... When you finish your backtest tradings,(that indi says 0), you just run my script once, and you'll get a .CSV file emumarating earning of every trade.


Not just a thought, all above is working fine, although simple.

Need help:

Experienced MT4 programmer who is interested, please help improve my code, on anything! Especially:

1, about .CSV, I wanna make it more like MT4's backtesting REPORT.

2, is there any possibility to show on chart earning when every trade is closed ?

See what it looks like:

3 tradings are done and 1 opening.

the csv:

__BUY_ 135882 0
_SELL_ 136154 273
__BUY_ 136122 0
__BUY_ 136296 0
_SELL_ 136250 -45
_SELL_ 136187 66
_SELL_ 136339 0
_SELL_ 136283 0
__BUY_ 135887 396
__BUY_ 135887 451
__BUY_ 135774 0

Profit: 1116

Round: 5

Each: 372


1by1 is the script.

null is EA.

posi is indi.

1by1.mq4  4 kb
null.mq4  2 kb
posi_1.mq4  1 kb