Moving Average values not making sense



I have an EA where one of the requirements for making a trade is a 3-bar trend in a MA. For example, the code to check for a sell is:


if (MACurrent<MAPrevious && MAPrevious<MAPrevious2) // MA in a downtrend
return(2); // Short signal

When I output the values for analysis, there are occasions where I get a short signal, but the values look like this:

MACurrent = 1.4086

MAPrevious = 1.4087

MAPrevous2 = 1.4087

Since MAPrevious is not less than MAPrevious2, I should not have gotten a short signal. What's up? When comparing MA values in code, does it go out to more than 4 decimal places, but only display 4 when I output the values?

Thanks for your help.


This is the frequently encountered limitation of Print()

It is limited to 4 decimal places, so use DoubleToString() to get round this - see

Good Luck
