is it permissible to post an EA does'nt belong to me



i downloaded an EA from internet, i used it only to test indicators and different parameters.

can i post it even if the original script does not belong to me.

my self, i don't know how to script EA.

if there is harm to original author,.. i will not.

author is :

//| GBPJPY EA scalper.mq4 |
//| Copyright © 2009, TradingSytemForex |
//| |

#property copyright "Copyright © 2009, TradingSytemForex"
#property link ""

the aim to post the EA, to get help to improve it if posible by experts.

what are the rules? waiting opinion of administrator.


If the EA is not already in the public domain then that's a question for the author, not for us. CB