Script not showing Properties


It seems when you execute some scripts, a pop-up window opens, allowing you to change the Properties.

Other scripts execute immediately without the pop-up window.

I have a simple script that does NOT open the properties window.

What can I change to get the window to open? Thanks.

//| PlaceBuyStop.mq4 |
//| |
#property copyright "Copyright NoneAtTheMoment."

extern double LOTS = 0.10;

int start()
int rc;
rc = OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_BUYSTOP,LOTS,Ask+(10*Point),3,0,0,"Buy Placed",13579,0,CLR_NONE);
if (rc < 0) Print("OrderSend RC=",rc," ",GetLastError());


Add in your script:

#property show_inputs

Roger wrote >>

Add in your script:

#property show_inputs

Perfect. Thanks again.