looking for Stop e take profit script program


I am not a good ones scripter.
I would want an aid for a script program to insert after the start trades

After I have inserted an order at the market of SELL or BUY
I want to activate a script program for

a1) when the price arrives to -6 from the ask
I insert the stop to -3 from the ask
I insert the take profit to -40 from the ask

a2) when the price arrives to +8 from the ask
I insert the stop loss to +250 from the ask
I insert the take profit to -3 from the ask

b1) when the price arrives to +6 from the bid
I insert the stop to +3 from the bid
I insert the take profit to +40 from the bid

b2) when the price arrives to -8 from the bid
I insert the stop loss to -250 from the bid
I insert the take profit to +3 from the bid

My new script, mailed here underneath, does not work.


Thanks in advance

#property copyright "Gonario-2009"
#property link      "winken@inwind.it"

extern int DistanceDown_SELL=-6;
extern int SL_Down_SELL=3;
extern int TP_Down_SELL=40;

extern int DistanceUp_SELL=8;
extern int SL_Up_SELL=250;
extern int TP_Up_SELL=2;

extern int DistanceUp_Buy=6;
extern int SL_Up_Buy=3;
extern int TP_Up_Buy=40;

extern int DistanceDown_Buy=-8;
extern int SL_Down_Buy=250;
extern int TP_Down_Buy=2;

double point;
int expiration;

void init()
   Print("point = ", Point,"   bars=",Bars);

int start() 

int    i,Total;
//int    Dgts=MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_DIGITS); 

     for(i=Total-1; i>=0; i--) 
         OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES);
         //if(OrderSelect(12345, SELECT_BY_TICKET, MODE_TRADES)==true) 
         //cas o A - HO VENDUTO:
//a1)quando il prezzo arriva a -6 dall'ask
//inserisco lo stop a -3 dall'ask
//inserisco il take profit a -40 dall'ask
         if(OrderSymbol()==Symbol() && OrderType()==OP_SELL) 
          //int StoplossA1=OrderStopLoss();
          int StoplossA1;
          //int TakeProfitA1=OrderTakeProfit();
          int TakeProfitA1;
            OrderSend(Symbol(),,0.01,Ask,2,StoplossA1,TakeProfitA1,"My order #1",12345,CurTime()+PERIOD_D1*60,Red);
           ///a2)quando il prezzo arriva a +8 dall'ask
//inserisco lo stop loss a +250 dall'ask
//inserisco il take profit a -3 dall'ask
            if(OrderSymbol()==Symbol() && OrderType()==OP_SELL) 
          //int StoplossA2=OrderStopLoss();
          int StoplossA2;
          //int TakeProfitA2=OrderTakeProfit();
          int TakeProfitA2;
            OrderSend(Symbol(),,0.01,Ask,2,StoplossA2,TakeProfitA2,"My order #1",12345,CurTime()+PERIOD_D1*60,Red);
           ////CASO B - HO COMPRATO:
//b1)quando il prezzo arriva a +6 dal bid
//inserisco lo stop a +3 dal bid
//inserisco il take profit a +40 dal bid
          if (OrderSymbol()==Symbol() && OrderType()==OP_BUY)
          //int StoplossB1=OrderStopLoss();
          int StoplossB1;
          //int TakeProfitB1=OrderTakeProfit();
          int TakeProfitB1;
            OrderSend(Symbol(),,0.01,Ask,2,StoplossB1,TakeProfitB1,"My order #1",12345,CurTime()+PERIOD_D1*60,Green);
//b2)quando il prezzo arriva a -8 dal bid
//inserisco lo stop loss a -250 dal bid
//inserisco il take profit a +3 dal bid
         if (OrderSymbol()==Symbol() && OrderType()==OP_BUY)
          //int StoplossB2=OrderStopLoss();
          int StoplossB2;
          //int TakeProfitB2=OrderTakeProfit();
          int TakeProfitB2;
            OrderSend(Symbol(),,0.01,Ask,2,StoplossB2,TakeProfitB2,"My order #1",12345,CurTime()+PERIOD_D1*60,Green);
#property copyright "Gonario-2009"
#property link      "winken@inwind.it"

extern int DistanceDown_SELL=-6;
extern int SL_Down_SELL=3;
extern int TP_Down_SELL=40;

extern int DistanceUp_SELL=8;
extern int SL_Up_SELL=250;
extern int TP_Up_SELL=2;

extern int DistanceUp_Buy=6;
extern int SL_Up_Buy=3;
extern int TP_Up_Buy=40;

extern int DistanceDown_Buy=-8;
extern int SL_Down_Buy=250;
extern int TP_Down_Buy=2;

double point;
int expiration;
double price;

void init()
   Print("point = ", Point,"   bars=",Bars);

int start() 

int    i,Total;
//int    Dgts=MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_DIGITS); 

     for(i=Total-1; i>=0; i--) 
         OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES);
         //if(OrderSelect(12345, SELECT_BY_TICKET, MODE_TRADES)==true) 
         //cas o A - HO VENDUTO:
//a1)quando il prezzo arriva a -6 dall'ask
//inserisco lo stop a -3 dall'ask
//inserisco il take profit a -40 dall'ask
         if(OrderSymbol()==Symbol() && OrderType()==OP_SELL)
         if (OrderType() == OP_SELL) price=Ask;
          //int StoplossA1=OrderStopLoss();
          int StoplossA1;
          //int TakeProfitA1=OrderTakeProfit();
          int TakeProfitA1;
            //OrderSend(Symbol(),0,0.01,Ask,2,StoplossA1,TakeProfitA1,"My order #1",12345,CurTime()+PERIOD_D1*60,Red);
           ///a2)quando il prezzo arriva a +8 dall'ask
//inserisco lo stop loss a +250 dall'ask
//inserisco il take profit a -3 dall'ask
            if(OrderSymbol()==Symbol() && OrderType()==OP_SELL)
            if (OrderType() == OP_SELL) price=Ask;
          //int StoplossA2=OrderStopLoss();
          int StoplossA2;
          //int TakeProfitA2=OrderTakeProfit();
          int TakeProfitA2;
            //OrderSend(Symbol(),0,0.01,Ask,2,StoplossA2,TakeProfitA2,"My order #1",12345,CurTime()+PERIOD_D1*60,Red);
           ////CASO B - HO COMPRATO:
//b1)quando il prezzo arriva a +6 dal bid
//inserisco lo stop a +3 dal bid
//inserisco il take profit a +40 dal bid
          if (OrderSymbol()==Symbol() && OrderType()==OP_BUY)
          if (OrderType() == OP_BUY) price=Bid;
          //int StoplossB1=OrderStopLoss();
          int StoplossB1;
          //int TakeProfitB1=OrderTakeProfit();
          int TakeProfitB1;
            //OrderSend(Symbol(),0,0.01,Ask,2,StoplossB1,TakeProfitB1,"My order #1",12345,CurTime()+PERIOD_D1*60,Green);
//b2)quando il prezzo arriva a -8 dal bid
//inserisco lo stop loss a -250 dal bid
//inserisco il take profit a +3 dal bid
         if (OrderSymbol()==Symbol() && OrderType()==OP_BUY)
         if (OrderType() == OP_BUY) price=Bid;
          //int StoplossB2=OrderStopLoss();
          int StoplossB2;
          //int TakeProfitB2=OrderTakeProfit();
          int TakeProfitB2;
            //OrderSend(Symbol(),0,0.01,Ask,2,StoplossB2,TakeProfitB2,"My order #1",12345,CurTime()+PERIOD_D1*60,Green);