


can please somebody explain me the AccountStopoutMode on a sample?

i dont know what exactly this explanation means:

0 - calculation of percentage ratio between margin and equity;
1 - comparison of the free margin level to the absolute value.

thank you,




can please somebody explain me the AccountStopoutMode on a sample?

i dont know what exactly this explanation means:

0 - calculation of percentage ratio between margin and equity;
1 - comparison of the free margin level to the absolute value.

thank you,


This shows % (when 0) or value in money (when 1) of the AccountStopoutLevel() - minimum amount you must have in your account before it is stopped by your broker.

There's an example in the documentation.



quick site search gave some hits, here and might help.

all are to me of no value. google brings up nothing of interest.


why not ask Broker? after all, they should be able to tell you... preferrably with examples - ;)


tbh, this whole accounting area seems bit of subjective mindfield... wrote >>

This shows % (when 0) or value in money (when 1) of the AccountStopLevel() - minimum amount you must have in your account before it is stopped by your broker.

There's an example in the documentation.

ah... is interesting, is this relevant to margin calculations?

or other mm stuff?


ah... is interesting, is this relevant to margin calculations?

or other mm stuff?

I suppose when your AccountFreeMargin() drops below AccountStopoutLevel() your account is blocked.

Print("AccountStopoutMode =",AccountStopoutMode());//My value is 0
//This shows % (when 0)
//or value in money (when 1) of the AccountStopoutLevel() - minimum amount you must have in your account before it is stopped by your broker
Print("Account Stop Level",AccountStopoutLevel());//50, so this means,that must have 50% of my Account's Capital, before account is blocked
If you prevent margin calls (stopped out), it's irrelevant.