How to print out a message with a MetaTrader script???


Here is the script that won't print anything??

Does anyone know why? -- I am running the script on a Daily EURUSD chart and I verified my stochastic line is above 0.30.

int start()

double stochmain;


if (stochmain > 0.30) {
Print (stochmain);

Thanks in advance.



Try this:

Print (DoubleToStr(stochmain,Digits));
ggekko wrote >>

Try this:

Thanks for the info. I tried your solution, but still nothing is showing up. Can't see any results in any logs either??


Thanks for the info. I tried your solution, but still nothing is showing up. Can't see any results in any logs either??

Try this:

int start()

double stochmain;

if(stochmain > 30.0) Print(DoubleToStr(stochmain,Digits)); // 30.0 instead of 0.30

