Started, closed, tp ou sl gaps on trades


My trades comments are quite often completed by the server with "Started/gap", "Closed/gap", "tp/gap" etc annotations

It means that the orders are not realized according to the initial specifications of zero slippage tolerence that I always apply to my ordersend() functions.

In practice its a pip or 2 lost (or gained to be honest) on each trade concerned.

And it seems to have increased over the past few months (I am not sure as I don't trade often enough to have good statistics)

I precise that I realize my profits (and losses mostly ...snif!) at the minimum freezelevel requirements. Does it have an influence on the frequency of that queer phenomenon ?...

Any technical explanation welcomed


My trades comments are quite often completed by the server with "Started/gap", "Closed/gap", "tp/gap" etc annotations

It means that the orders are not realized according to the initial specifications of zero slippage tolerence that I always apply to my ordersend() functions.

The slippage parameter to OrderSend() only defines the slippage you are prepared to tolerate on the opening order, and then only if it's a market order rather than a limit or stop order. Each broker then has their own rules about the processing of orders during gaps and other unusual market conditions. For example:

jjc wrote >>

The slippage parameter to OrderSend() only defines the slippage you are prepared to tolerate on the opening order, and then only if it's a market order rather than a limit or stop order. Each broker then has their own rules about the processing of orders during gaps and other unusual market conditions. For example:

Thank you jjc

Indeed I only trade with defered orders ...

I wonder why this difference with market orders. For example, my broker also accepts smaller freezelevel on market orders as compared to differed orders (3 pips vs 5 pips)

I thought that on contrary it would be easier for him to deal with differed orders since he has got more time to anticipate, but it seems to be juste the opposite !