looking for script programmer in Meta trader(for pay)


Hi fellow traders/programmers,

I would realy like to have a script made that tells me via text message or email when it's time to trade accouring to my rules.

therefore I think I need a script that compares to simple moving averages(close) and it must give an allert when this happens via a text message. The other thing it schould be able to do is for the CCI, give allerts of one of the two extreme values have been reached for instance +100 an -100 an give the appropriate allert via text message. Ma is supposed to be the first allert and CCI provides the second allert I need.

it would we usefull if I as the user could change the periods for the two simple MA's and also for the CCI as for which values the allert is generated. and its supposed to work on 15min chart.

please mail me if ur interested.

since nothing is for free I am willing to pay for it, but please understand I am a student and do not have money, yet

around 100$ is what I can afford to pay

anyway please do contact me at super_kamal@hotmail.com

Hope you've got my mail!