Client Terminal versus MetaEditor File Organization


Hi my first post here and greetings to all and thank you for clearing this.

Am I alone in seeing this issue between "Indicators" and "Custom Indicators"? Probably...

Maybe I'm missing something or I've altered the Client Terminal (CT) settings,

Why are there different indicators in the "Indicators" folder in the CT is not equal to the indicators in the "Indicators" folder in MetaEditor(MEd)?

But there is only some correlation? Example: 

The same name for folders with different files.

Relative Strength Index (CT "Indicators" as Relative Strength Index) (CT "Custom Indicators" as RSI) & (MEd "Indicators" as RSI.mq4)


Williams Percent Range (CT "Indicators" as Williams Percent Range) only.

Is it some technical issue of my terminal? Thanks again for explanation to relative new.

The book says in File Types:

"If a program needs to be modified, this should be done in its source code (a file of mq4 type): it should be edited and then compiled again."

Very good. Where can I find the source code for an indicator like Standard Deviation which appears as an indicator in CT "Indicators" folder, and not in "Custom Indicators" (CT) or "Indicators" (MEd)

Are they separate because only "Custom Indicators" in CT can be called using iCustom? 


Those in the Indicators section are built in into CT they are not coded as mql4 files.

Only those in the custom indicators section have source code in the indicators folder.

to use built in indicators look at tehcnical indicators chapter in the editor help file.


Thank-you irusoh, I am searching now.