Over optimization, I don't think so!


How can anybody claim that overoptimization is bad?

It is simply impossible to cherry pick history data to look good.

I mean, who is stupid enough to test their software on ONLY one set of data just to look good?

I am sure, everybody is smart enough to test their software on multiple sets of data such that

the software can perform excellent with any conditions.

If there was a performance difference between your testings and your live data, there

must be some other factors: be it suspicious corruption or be it your own fault.

Your own fault, I doubt it. You are constantly spending time researching, testing, and

improving your system. I can claim this myself. However, if you are lazy and will not do your

own homework then it is most likely your fault!!!

Please don't claim that optimization is a bad thing.

NOTE: If you are a newbie and need help programming your strategy, please feel FREE to

contact ckingher@gmail.com anytime. I will do it for FREE because I got all the time

in the world. Just don't expect me to finish your project overnight though. It may

take 3-5 days for me to get it done.


How can anybody claim that overoptimization is bad?

It is simply impossible to cherry pick history data to look good.

I mean, who is stupid enough to test their software on ONLY one set of data just to look good?

I am sure, everybody is smart enough to test their software on multiple sets of data such that

the software can perform excellent with any conditions.

If there was a performance difference between your testings and your live data, there

must be some other factors: be it suspicious corruption or be it your own fault.

Your own fault, I doubt it. You are constantly spending time researching, testing, and

improving your system. I can claim this myself. However, if you are lazy and will not do your

own homework then it is most likely your fault!!!

Please don't claim that optimization is a bad thing.

NOTE: If you are a newbie and need help programming your strategy, please feel FREE to

contact ckingher@gmail.com anytime. I will do it for FREE because I got all the time

in the world. Just don't expect me to finish your project overnight though. It may

take 3-5 days for me to get it done.

No wonder you've "got all the time in the world".

This is April 1st, right?