Are there any legit people here?


I've contacted and been contacted by >10 members, all of whom have been full of crap except one Finnish Guy. I have no aspirations to deal w/ liars or scammers. I have a few systems I'd like coded. I am looking for successful traders and/or coders to start up a group. Please contact me at my handle at gmail dot com. Good luck and good trading to you all.



IF your interested in professional Forex Trader and MetaQuotes Trader, designer, programmer and generally experienced IT individual (time served I believe) who besides using Experts to trade, sells Experts.

THEN contact BarrowBow at


I have no association - professional or otherwise with this individual.

But I can vouch that to the best of my knowledge, the dude shoots straight and additionally, should he feel that your ideas are not worthy of coding, he will tell you as opposed to many that will hack something and run with your fee.

oh yes... there ARE many legit people here... is just case of separating wheat from the mountains of chaff. An onerous but not completely futile task - :-]