\End-of-program - unexpected square bracket error


I've eliminate all of the compile errors in my EA mq4 source code except this one: '\End-of-program - unexpected square bracket'. I don't see any square brackets at the end of the program or anywhere else in the file. Can anyone suggest what to look for to remove this error. Thanks for any comments.




Either post the code here using the SRC button or

see these editors here

You will need one for C language

Good Luck


BarrowBoy wrote >>


Either post the code here using the SRC button or

see these editors here

You will need one for C language

Good Luck


Thanks for the offer to look at the source. However, I discovered yesterday the problem was due to a missing square bracket in an include file.


 whn i compile i get the error "{" unexpected end of the program..could anyone help me in correcting the error ..it would be honoured...here is the code.



//|                                                  FIRSTEA.mq4 |

//|                        Copyright 2016, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |

//|                                             https://www.mql5.com |


#property copyright "Copyright 2016, MetaQuotes Software Corp."

#property link      "https://www.mql5.com"

#property version   "1.00"

#property strict


//|                           GLOBAL                                 |


double LotSize=0.1;

double TakeProfit=1.0;

double StopLoss=500.0;

int SlippagePips=5;

int MagicNumber=1133;


double UsePipUpdate;

double UseSlippUpdate;

static datetime LastBarTime;

int BuyTicket;

int SellTicket;

int ErrCode;


int FastMAPeriod=10;

int SlowMAPeriod=25;


//|                           START                                  |


int start(){

double UsePipUpdate=PipUpdate(Symbol());

double UseSlippUpdate=SlippageUpdate(Symbol(),CalcSlipp);


double FastMA=iMA(NULL,0,FastMAPeriod,0,0,0,1);

double SlowMA=iMA(NULL,0,SlowMAPeriod,0,0,0,1);

double LastFastMA=iMA(NULL,0,FastMAPeriod,0,0,0,2);

double LastSlowMA=iMA(NULL,0,SlowMAPeriod,0,0,0,2);


if(FastMA >SlowMA && LastFastMA<=LastSlowMA && BuyMarketCount(String Symbol,int MagicNumber==0)


      //Close SellOrder


               if(OrderCloseTime()==0 && SellTicket>0){

                                                      while(IsTradeContextBusy()) Sleep(10);

                                                      double CloseLots=OrderLots();

                                                      double ClosePrice=Ask;

                                                      bool Closed= OrderClose(SellTicket,CloseLots,ClosePrice,UseSlippUpdate,Blue);




                                                         string ErrDesc=ErrorDescription(ErrCode);

                                                         String ErrLog=StringConcatenate("Close Sell Order -Error",ErrorCode ,":",ErrDesc);



      while(IsTradeContextBusy()) Sleep(10);

      BuyTicket= OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_BUY,LotSize,Ask,UseSlippUpdate,0,0,"FIRSTSTRIKE",MagicNumber,0,Green);



                                                            string ErrDesc=ErrorDescription(ErrCode);

                                                            String ErrLog=StringConcatenate("Open Buy Order -Error",ErrorCode ,":",ErrDesc);






            double OpenPrice=OrderOpenPrice();

                         double StopLevel=MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_STOPLEVEL)* Point;

                         double UpperStopLevel=Ask+StopLevel;

                         double LowerStopLevel=Bid-StopLevel;

                         double MinStop=5*UsePipUpdate;

                         double BuyStopLoss=OpenPrice-(StopLoss * UsePipUpdate);

                         double BuyTakeProfit=OpenPrice+(TakeProfit * UsePipUpdate);

                                  if(BuyStopLoss >0 && BuyStopLoss>LowerStopLevel){



                                  if(BuyTakeProfit>0 && BuyTakeProfit <UpperStopLevel){



             if(IsTradeContextBusy()) Sleep(10);

             if(BuyStopLoss>0 || BuyTakeProfit>0){

                  bool TicketMod=OrderModify(BuyTicket,OpenPrice,BuyStopLoss,BuyTakeProfit,0,);

                                             if(TicketMod == false) {


                                                            string ErrDesc=ErrorDescription(ErrCode);

                                                            String ErrLog=StringConcatenate("Modify Buy Order -Error",ErrorCode ,":",ErrDesc);



if(FastMA<SlowMA && LastFastMA>=LastSlowMA && SellMarketCount(Symbol(),MagicNumber==0)
      //Close BuyOrder

               if(OrderCloseTime()==0 && BuyTicket>0){

                                                      while(IsTradeContextBusy()) Sleep(10);

                                                      double CloseLots=OrderLots();

                                                      double ClosePrice=Bid;

                                                      bool Closed= OrderClose(BuyTicket,CloseLots,ClosePrice,UseSlippUpdate,Blue);


                                                         string ErrDesc=ErrorDescription(ErrCode);

                                                         String ErrLog=StringConcatenate("Close Buy Order -Error",ErrorCode ,":",ErrDesc);


      while(IsTradeContextBusy()) Sleep(10);

      SellTicket= OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_SELL,LotSize,Bid,UseSlippUpdate,0,0,"FIRSTSTRIKE",MagicNumber,0,Red);



                                                            string ErrDesc=ErrorDescription(ErrCode);

                                                            String ErrLog=StringConcatenate("Open Sell Order -Error",ErrorCode ,":",ErrDesc);




            double OpenPrice=OrderOpenPrice();

                         double StopLevel=MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_STOPLEVEL)* Point;

                         double UpperStopLevel=Ask+StopLevel;

                         double LowerStopLevel=Bid-StopLevel;

                         double MinStop=5*UsePipUpdate;

                         double SellStopLoss=OpenPrice+(StopLoss * UsePipUpdate);

                         double SellTakeProfit=OpenPrice-(TakeProfit * UsePipUpdate);

                                  if(SellStopLoss >0 && SellStopLoss<UpperStopLevel){

                                  if(SellTakeProfit>0 && SellTakeProfit >LowerStopLevel){



             if(IsTradeContextBusy()) Sleep(10);

             if(SellStopLoss>0 || SellTakeProfit>0){

                  bool TicketMod=OrderModify(SellTicket,OpenPrice,SellStopLoss,SellTakeProfit,0,);

                                             if(TicketMod == false) {


                                                            string ErrDesc=ErrorDescription(ErrCode);

                                                            String ErrLog=StringConcatenate("Modify Sell Order -Error",ErrorCode ,":",ErrDesc);


//|                          CUSTOM                                  |


datetime NewBarCheck(){



                  bool NewBar=CurrentBarTime!=LastBarTime;




double PipUpdate(string Currrency){

                double CalcDigits=MarketInfo(Currency,MODE_DIGITS);

                if(CalcDigits==2 || CalcDigits ==3 ) CalcPoint =0.01;

                if(CalcDigits==4 || CalcDigits ==5 ) CalcPoint=0.0001;



double SlippageUpdate(string Currency,int SlippagePips){

                      double CalcDigits=MarketInfo(Currency,MODE_DIGITS);

                      if(CalcDigits==2 || CalcDigits ==3) CalcSlipp=SlippagePips;

                      if(CalcDigits==4 || CalcDigits ==5) CalcSlipp=SlippagePips *10;




int TotalOrderCount(String Symbol,int MagicNumber){

            int OrderCount;




                   if(OrderSymbol()== Symbol && OrderMagicNumber() ==MagicNumber)



int BuyMarketCount(String Symbol,int MagicNumber){

            int OrderCount;





                   if(OrderSymbol()== Symbol && OrderMagicNumber() ==MagicNumber  && OrderTypee()==OP_BUY)



int SellMarketCount(String Symbol,int MagicNumber){

            int OrderCount;




                   if(OrderSymbol()== Symbol && OrderMagicNumber() ==MagicNumber  && OrderTypee()==OP_SELL)


Please use the SRC button when posting code.

I have done it for you this time and also removed some of the huge gaps.

Do not double post - I have deleted your other post.

      }          //This "}" was missing

//|                          CUSTOM                                  |

Adding in the missing } will reveal other problems ie

int TotalOrderCount(String Symbol,int MagicNumber){

String should be string will a small "s".

double UseSlippUpdate=SlippageUpdate(Symbol(),CalcSlipp);

CalcSlipp has not been declared

There are many more errors, so you will need to check them all
