Rating System of Trading Signals Improved - page 3

I did not see/find any possibility sorry ...

Is it possible to export a summary of all signal providers to csv so we can perform our own selection search based on our own search criterea.

e.g. Some how export the full signal list shown in the MT4 terminal as shown below?



It's not currently possible. Please write to ServiceDesk to do this suggestion.
My concern is this, since new signals will not have any ratings yet, It will be hidden. How then will users see it to be able to subscribe and give it ratings? 
But why are new signals hidden by default? How will they get seen and get subscribers to give it rating? 
Isaac Oluwagbemiga Adeoye #:
But why are new signals hidden by default? How will they get seen and get subscribers to give it rating? 

They are not hidden, they are simply not rated and ranked because they are new.

They are still searchable in the MT4/5 terminal though.

If they are good enough they are rated within a couple of weeks.