Simple Question - MetaEditor - Running Code


So far, the only way I've figured to run the code is to attach it to a chart. If I'm just fooling around with learning variables & such, is there a way to just run a quick test of the program in metaeditor rather than having to attach it to a chart? I am working with EAs primarily.

Also, I download an EA, but it won't update my EA folder, even after compiling it...what am I doing wrong? Right now I have to create a new EA, then cut and paste the code..then compile it, and it updates the EA folder.

Thanks for helping a newb!


I have found that if open a file on say this site, the editor fires up and displays it, have you had this? - because .mq4 is associated with the editor.

If you decide to compile it <F5>, the .ex4 will not be in the eg, ...\experts or ...\scripts dir. You need to firstly File > Save As

That's my expierence. Obviously if you choose to download instead of open, then you have the opportunity to direct the download to eg, ...\experts ....

Your fooling around is great - best way to learn. Yes, it can be a drag switching to Terminal but is in actual fact FAST beyond belief!


1. <F5> compiles

2. <F4> shoots you over to the Terminal

3. <a hot key> runs the script > you look at it... have a big groan when you see your error or whatever > you hit <F4> which shoots you over to the Editor where you do quicky edit > goTo 1.

<F4> is just a toggle between the two and if one or the other not running it gets fired up.

<a hot key> = right click a script in the Terminal's navigator. see the "Set hotkey" - is cool stuff and... these settings are persistent between Terminal shutdowns and restarts.

<favorites> = see that "Favorites" tab at bottom of navigator pane? if you do the right click as above, you can select "Add to favorites" > now click that tab at the bottom. The tab is way to group together programs you use all the time and is vip easy to just drag to chart OR you can also have a hotkey on it as well!
