Inconsistent behaviour of OrderSend



I have the following code:

   int ticketBuy=OrderSend(pair,OP_BUYSTOP,lot,longEntryPrice,100,longStopLossPrice,0,"BUY",0,0,Green);
   if (ticketBuy == -1) {
   int ticketSell=OrderSend(pair,OP_SELLSTOP,lot,shortEntryPrice,100,shortStopLossPrice,0,"SELL",ticketBuy,0,Red);
   if (ticketSell == -1) {

   Print("Buy ticket: ", ticketBuy, ", Sell ticket: ", ticketSell);

Sometimes it works, sometimes it does not, with a valid ticketBuy value, but -1 for ticketSell.

Anyone has encountered this before?

Thanks in advance,



Not sure why you're doubling up on each stop order. But make sure of a few things:

- you're stop order price is not too close to the market price or you will have an invalid price

- Look at your journal tab, it might show an error and help u pinpoint

- u sure you want the magic number to be ticketBuy?

- for a buy stop, the entry price has to be higher then the current market price (Ask), opossite for sell stop