Traders Forum


Traders Forum.

So that is not much to go into the motivation of such changes (and, in my view, it is very obvious), cite only the figures of the forum: 1 for the past month, a forum has received more than 250 new subjects. And their numbers compared to last month rose!
Given the fact that the number of programmers working in an environment MQL is growing, increasing their range of interests and skills, is expected to shift to MQL5 - all this is, almost exponential growth in the number of topics of the Forum. Accumulated enormous knowledge base and continues to grow.

On the options themselves.
The main page of the site until the change is not needed. The principle calculations last few active so personally I feel very comfortable. The changes should address the following page - directly to the forum itself. The nature of the forum in my opinion is in two directions.

  1. It's about connecting users with each other on topics of interest, discussion of ideas and approaches, etc.
  2. The decision of the technical and programming issues

In principle, I would like to see a two-tier system. Over the foundation can take it as organized section of articles with a few specific additions:

  1. Work tester, testing, optimization
  2. Work to the terminal, visualization
  3. Development indicators, scripts and libraries
  4. Trading system and experts
  5. Problems
  6. General issues

The second level is to fulfill smaller partitions as needed. And they will show themselves forumyan topic.

For more «fine» setting forum, I propose to use is not tightly linked topiki on a single topic only in one section, and do «Indices» at topiki. This will enable the author and moderator of the same topic inserted in several related similar in theme sections.

On combating flood.

As it turned out that there is a big problem the current state of the forum. I certainly do not completely adherent banit fludistov (or fluderov?). It should be easy to arrange a mechanism that allows you to make this unnecessary ( «blank» or off-topic written) message to some topic of general issues (all such persons tried and something to print, although not a subject). And given such a right, not only the principal moderator, but also the author of a particular topic.

Indeed, sometimes it turns out that on some topic accumulates more than 20 pages. A discussion of the topic has long been lost and is discussing other issues entirely. I think you need to respect the time of other users who want to read this topic later. And that they did not have to read and filter responses, which sometimes is not relevant to initially raised the issue. Simply bring these discussions to a new topic, if you believe that this debate so important. In this case, would be even better when a new issue and users will be able to participate in the discussion, it is your problem.

On the current desired improvements

  1. Dlya each topic is possible to «follow» behind it. This is a very good idea. Just as I pointed them to either himself or did not understand what is happening and I her «following» (or perhaps it for me:)).
  2. In the title theme to write not only the number of responses, but the date and author's last answer. I know from experience that so much easier to follow the development of the topic than just indicate the number of responses.

As an experiment, I propose to establish a chat with multiple channels (in principle, they can duplicate a section of the forum). And of course documenting all, talking about what users per channel (except of course personal communication). An example can be found here:

Often, the real problem is not serious to make it under a separate topic at the forum, but thanks to a lively communication, you'll find answers much faster and does not load extra (somewhat) the information itself forum.

Secondly, it will allow users to more serious topics to the forum and use it only on real need. To cite a personal example. Since then, I recently began to study neural networks and I have pocket issues such as choice of many classes for recognition. In principle, I need one - to hear several options. That's it! Discussions of this issue and I do not have to! As the search for the body I have unfortunately not found. Nor has found, and Google (can ill-looking?). Therefore, was forced to create a separate topic. If you want to see what has become the topic. ( 'Ethically whether to remove its theme of the forum and under what conditions?')

I would like to see the view of the administration.