A System: Code Sample 1

A System: Code Sample 1
a.mq4  24 kb
1. A System is MQL4 automation for MetaTrader 4 Client Terminal.
2. A System: Code Sample 1 introduces A System: Core Principles methodology.
3. The similar code structure was used in Automation sample for the MetaTrader 4 Client Terminal.
4. A System: Code Sample 1 features:
   4.1. A System controls computing run time and processor usage;
   4.2. A System can start and run correctly when market is off;
   4.3. A System has convenient and reliable exception handler. 
1. Copy A System: Code Sample 1 to MetaEditor.
2. Adiust MetaEditor window size to 122 columns x 45 lines.
3. Use <Page Up> and <Page Down> keys for the code navigation.
4. Tags //<*> must remain on their screen positions. 
                                            int init  () { A.System () ; }
                                            int start () { A.System () ; }
//< A.System: Structure >
//  A.Memory: allocation 14 elements in 1 page
//  A.Core:   property    1 element  in 1 page  / function  4 / interface  3
//  A.Module: property    1 element  in 1 page  / function  2 / interface  1
//</A.System: Structure >
//< A.Memory: Allocation 0001 >
#define ac.SystemName          "A"                                                                             // 0001
                                                                                                               // 0002
string  ac.State              [ 2 ] = { "Off"  , "On"  }                                                     ; // 0003
#define ac.On                   1                                                                              // 0004
#define ac.Off                  0                                                                              // 0005
                                                                                                               // 0006
string  ac.Command            [ 5 ] = { "Empty" , "Run" , "Wait" , "Lock" , "Reset" }                        ; // 0007
#define ac.Reset                4                                                                              // 0008
#define ac.Lock                 3                                                                              // 0009
#define ac.Wait                 2                                                                              // 0010
#define ac.Run                  1                                                                              // 0011
#define ac.Empty                0                                                                              // 0012
                                                                                                               // 0013
#define ac.Modules              4                                                                              // 0014
                                                                                                               // 0015
int     ac.RunLimit           [   ] = { 0 , 25 , 25 , 25 , 25 }                                              ; // 0016
                                                                                                               // 0017
#define ac.RunPeriod            1000                                                                           // 0018
                                                                                                               // 0019
#define ac.RunTimeout           2000                                                                           // 0020
//</A.Memory: Allocation 0001 >
//< A.Core: Structure >
//<   property >
//< 0001> apr.Core.MainPage                 // int  1 + double  0 + string  0 = elements  1
//< 0002>
//< 0003>
//< 0004>
//< 0005>
//< 0006>
//< 0007>
//< 0008>
//< 0009>
//< 0010>
//</  property >
//<   function >
//< 0001> afr.Core.TimerStart               // input 0 / code  1 / output 0
//< 0002> afi.Core.TimerCount               // input 0 / code  5 / output 1
//< 0003> afr.Core.TimerPause               // input 1 / code  1 / output 0
//< 0004> afr.Core.TimerControl             // input 0 / code  2 / output 0
//< 0005>
//< 0006>
//< 0007>
//< 0008>
//< 0009>
//< 0010>
//</  function >
//<   interface >
//< 0001> aii.Core.State                    // input 0 / code 10 / output 1
//< 0002> aii.Core.Command                  // input 0 / code 12 / output 1
//< 0003> aii.Core.Exception                // input 1 / code  9 / output 1
//< 0004>
//< 0005>
//< 0006>
//< 0007>
//< 0008>
//< 0009>
//< 0010>
//</  interface >
//</A.Core: Structure >
//< A.Core: Property 0001 >
//<   head >
//     apr.Core.MainPage                 // int  1 + double  0 + string  0 = elements  1
//< / head >
//<   body >
int    avi.Core.TimeStamp                                                                                    ; // 0001
                                                                                                               // 0002
                                                                                                               // 0003
                                                                                                               // 0004
                                                                                                               // 0005
                                                                                                               // 0006
                                                                                                               // 0007
                                                                                                               // 0008
                                                                                                               // 0009
                                                                                                               // 0010
                                                                                                               // 0011
                                                                                                               // 0012
                                                                                                               // 0013
                                                                                                               // 0014
                                                                                                               // 0015
                                                                                                               // 0016
                                                                                                               // 0017
                                                                                                               // 0018
                                                                                                               // 0019
                                                                                                               // 0020
                                                                                                               // 0021
                                                                                                               // 0022
                                                                                                               // 0023
                                                                                                               // 0024
//</  body >
//</A.Core: Property 0001 >
//< A.Core: Function 0001 >
//<   head >
int    afr.Core.TimerStart             ( // input 0 / code  1 / output 0
                                       ) //
//< / head >
{//<  body >
avi.Core.TimeStamp = GetTickCount ()                                                                           ; // 01
}//</ body >
//</A.Core: Function 0001 >
//< A.Core: Function 0002 >
//<   head >
int    afi.Core.TimerCount             ( // input 0 / code  5 / output 1
                                       ) //
//< / head >
{//<  body >
static int    ali.Result                                                                                       ; // 01
                                                                                                                 // 02
ali.Result  = GetTickCount () - avi.Core.TimeStamp                                                             ; // 03
                                                                                                                 // 04
return      ( ali.Result )                                                                                     ; // 05
}//</ body >
//</A.Core: Function 0002 >
//< A.Core: Function 0003 >
//<   head >
int    afr.Core.TimerPause             ( // input 1 / code  1 / output 0
       int    aai.Interval               //
                                       ) //
//< / head >
{//<  body >
Sleep ( aai.Interval )                                                                                         ; // 01
}//</ body >
//</A.Core: Function 0003 >