Perform a task periodically



I want my EA to perform the same task (looking on Internet for a file) at the same moment every hour (XXH with 59MN for example).

My problem is that my EA works on H1 time frame so 59MN doesn't exist if I use the information from the chart.

Until now, all my attempts to use server time were unsuccessful.

Anyone have an idea o know better how to use server time ?

Thanks for your help.

bool SimpleTimer(int iTimeMode = PERIOD_M1, int iPeriod = 1){

   int iTimeTick = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_TIME);
   static int iTimerID[];
   static int iTimer[];
   int iPosition = 0;
   int iSecondsMode = 0;
   if (iTimeMode < 0){
      iSecondsMode = iTimeMode*(-1)*iPeriod;
   } else {
      iSecondsMode = iTimeMode*60*iPeriod;
   iPosition = posIntArray(iSecondsMode, iTimerID);
   if (iPosition == -1){
      ArrayResize(iTimerID, ArraySize(iTimerID)+1);
      iPosition = ArraySize(iTimerID)-1;
      ArrayResize(iTimer, iPosition+1);      
      iTimerID[iPosition] = iSecondsMode;
      iTimer[iPosition] = iTimeTick+iSecondsMode;

   if (iTimeTick >= iTimer[iPosition]){
      iTimer[iPosition] = iTimeTick+iSecondsMode;

int posIntArray(int iNeedle, int iArray[]){

   for (int i = 0; i < ArraySize(iArray); i++){
      if (iNeedle == iArray[i]){

void myfunction(){
   if (SimpleTimer(5,1) == FALSE){
   //do something

hth Russell
hth Russell

Thanks Russel, I will study this piece of code.
