I need an array of all the pairs available


I'm working on a project that loops through an array of all available pairs. Currently I hardcode this, but this is obviously not good programming practice. Is there a way to do this dynamically?

Thanks, Mango


this thread maybe interest curriencies list

please if possible, u make implement in code and happy all done, could u post here ur findings/func() used?

data hiding and data finding seems hard at times in mt, hope hear from u


fbj: data hiding and data finding seems hard at times in mt,
Hide and seek:
   string   brokerSymbols[];  int nSymbols = FindSymbols(brokerSymbols);
                              if (nSymbols <= 0)                        return;
See also the script AllMarketData that comes with mt4.
int      FindSymbols(string& symbols[]){     // Get list of all tradeable pairs.
   #define FNAME "symbols.raw"
   int      handle=FileOpenHistory(FNAME, FILE_BIN | FILE_READ);
   if(handle<1){                                               DisableTrading(
      "Unable to open file"+FNAME+", error: "+GetLastError());    return(0);  }
   #define  RAW_RECORD_SIZE   1936
   #define  RAW_SYMBOL_SIZE   12
// #define  RAW_DESCR_SIZE    75
      #define  RAW_SKIP_DESCR    1924  // 1936-12
//    #define  RAW_SKIP_REMAN    1849  // 1936-12-75
   int      nRecords=FileSize(handle) / RAW_RECORD_SIZE;
   if(ArrayResize(symbols, nRecords) <= 0){                    DisableTrading(
      "ArrayResize(Symbols, "+nRecords+") Failed: " + GetLastError() );
      FileClose(handle);                                          return(0);  }
   for(int iRec=0; iRec < nRecords; iRec++){
      symbols[iRec]  = FileReadString(handle, RAW_SYMBOL_SIZE);
      FileSeek(handle, RAW_SKIP_DESCR, SEEK_CUR);     // goto the next record
      // "Auzzie Dollar  vs. Canadian Dollar<NUL><NUL><NUL>..."
      // dsc[nRec]   = FileReadString(handle, 75);
      // FileSeek(handle, RAW_SKIP_REMAN, SEEK_CUR);  // goto the next record
}  // FindSymbols
And there should be static record that file ".raw" is opened, there is limit for 32 or it's not?
It did not work for me, even if I used 

so I've put counter to count with the file closing how many times I can repeat it. It looks like to that there is limit of 32 times to be opened the ".raw", or the other thought was that FileClose(handle); maybe have no effect on that exact for symbols. But in both cases it is not a problem, symbols (for me) are needed to be read once, it was just a test.

If I missed the code to put it:

/*without searching from file.txt*/
int loadSymbols()
  if(a>0) return(size);//previous was counter here i.e. removed
  if(a<1) return(-1);
  string tmps;
  int o=FileSize(a) / 1936;
  for(int c=0;c<o;c++)
    if(symCheck(tmps)!=0) continue;/*if valid, mi[27] 0=Forex, if we want only forex */
    //if(symDoub(tmps)) continue;//if already loaded similar or exact
  FileClose(a);//actialy not needed because it'll not work as counter

int symCheck(string cstr)
  if(symInfo(cstr)) return(-3);
  if(mi[27]>-1.0 && mi[27]<1.0) return(0);
  if(mi[27]>0.0 && mi[27]<2.0) return(1);
  if(mi[27]>1.0 && mi[27]<3.0) return(2);
rfb: It did not work for me, even if I used
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