but like just as ignorant


Good day may, who knows how to make the indicator. like a normal MA with a shift but when it ends are equal footing with one another human who can advise.

it was in the picture are what I need. I ordered this indicator is requested to do MA price discovery and he got what I wanted but to send me this indicator for some reason, refused to


"it was in the picture are what I need. I ordered this indicator is requested to do MA price discovery and he got what I wanted but to send me this indicator for some reason, refused to"

1. u order ind - correct?

2. he got what i wanted - u mean he has ind and u want it - correct?

3. but... u order and he refuse to send ind - correct?


4. i think that u want indicator code that draw wat in pic - correct?


u must supply 'data' describe indicator and wat is 'exactely' want done...


tbh, is only picture - we need help to help u ;)
