What functions takes more time to process than others?


For example MarketInfo() is the possibly one candidate, because it probably downloads info from the server and this can take (much)more time than e.g. StrToInteger().

May I find anywhere table of such "slow" functions? This information is crucial for the right optimization of program.



You need to code what a system demands to be successful - then worry about making it scale better...

We should be successful traders first - elegant code creators second!

I find indicators based on other indicators to be quite heavy, e.g. the EMA of an EMA, but sometimes, thats what you need to do!

Good Luck


BarrowBoy wrote >>


You need to code what a system demands to be successful - then worry about making it scale better...

We should be successful traders first - elegant code creators second!

I find indicators based on other indicators to be quite heavy, e.g. the EMA of an EMA, but sometimes, thats what you need to do!

Good Luck


OK, EMA of EMA may be slow... but much more times faster then MarkeInfo() when path PC-Server-PC is lagging. Then I can miss some of the ticks.

This question is intended rather for developers of MQ Language.