ADX Smoothed

Dear Coders,

unfortunately i`m not be proficient in MetaTrader programming language,

so i need a little your help, please.

I am using this ADX Smoothed coded by ROSH and I would like to add a pop up alert when the lines cross ( lines DarkBlue and FireBrick ) and the DarkGreen's

line above 25.

Sincere thanks in advance



Add two lines in the last for cycle:

for(i = limit; i >= 0; i--)

DiPlusFinal[i] = alpha2*DIPlusLead[i] + (1 - alpha2) * DiPlusFinal[i+1];
DiMinusFinal[i] = alpha2*DIMinusLead[i] + (1 - alpha2) * DiMinusFinal[i+1];
ADXFinal[i] = alpha2*ADXLead[i] + (1 - alpha2) * ADXFinal[i+1];
if(DiPlusFinal[i]>DiMinusFinal[i] && DiPlusFinal[i-1]<DiMinusFinal[i-1] && ADXFinal[i]>25)
