Looking for a trader not a traitor! - page 3

Multiassets hedge ... but not the way you'd like it. I actually discovered some advantages of the positional system over the order system, in respect to latency. For everything else but latency, the order system is superior. I'll write an article about events and positional system soon.

OK Eco nice of you to try and put a positive spin on it....but in reality MT5 is totally worthless to many Forex traders because of its lack of hedging...

jraustinplayer wrote >>

I am the writer of the above ad. After sifting through ALOT of traders. We have found our diamond in the rough. He averages somewhere between 12% to 15% a month. He manages to do that risking very little. We are now promoting a managed fund built around him. If you are interested to watch him trade live email us. Our trading style is based on very tight money management.We only risk a
1/2 a percent to 1 percent per trade. Looking for atleast 2% to 3% in profit. Our accuracy level isnt stellar at 45% winners. But do to our very tight stops at no more than 16 pips and our atleast 2 to 1 risk to reward ratio. We bring in substantial gains each month.


Jonathan Roberts

Global Potential Corp



You are surely heading for another disaster if you sticking all that funding into a single trader. diversification works best in this industry. Why are you so eager to put all your eggs in one basket. spread your risk out across multiple traders with multiple trading styles and strategies. This is one of the things unique about our systems, they are basket traders, which is to say they trade in mulitple pairs. Our goal is to trade in every currency pair to support the account when one currency fails to generate earnings, the other pairs in the market continue to trade in the market. If one trade is sitting in open drawdown, another hand full of trades are still taking place. We use different strategies in the markets as well. Give this some thought.