How does your EA calculate the interest carry charge ?


I would like to include the carry charge in my estimated profit/loss calculations. How can my EA get that information ? Is it available through a MarketInfo() call ?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.




Check this for info on SWAPs

Good Luck




Check this for info on SWAPs

Good Luck


Thanks, but I'm still confused... it didn't say anything about carry interest.

MODE_SWAPLONG 18 Swap of the long position.
MODE_SWAPSHORT 19 Swap of the short position.

Do these values give the carry interest if long or short ? If so, they didn't take ANY effort to say so :-)

Thanks again.

Viper wrote >>

Do these values give the carry interest if long or short ?


Swap, aka rollover, aka carry interest
