Help with addition Please - page 2


Hello Mike

Well, I mentioned the Russian forum /ru as imho [with no disrespect to this forum/English based], the .ru forum although for Russian language people is [to me] very different in content. Just how I see it I guess. Massive ongoing issues having to use Russian to English translators. Basically it's still many times lots of English Russian !! Somehow, usually get the basics as to what's been posted but not always! Also, get patches where Russian stays Russian - oh well!

Remember please, this forum here is a MetaQuotes Software Corp. forum and the support/moderators are [afaik] Russian but English is the forums base language... no Russian here. To get your Russian 'fix' go to /ru which is [I guess] actual main MetaQuotes Software Corp. forum.

DOS... now - that is also my introduction to desktop PC. I was assembler/board level hacker for many years - started back in 60's - another era indeed. Of course I 'graduated' to many types block structured languages and OS's and many hardware platforms had their own cpu/assembler too, so always something new to learn. Unix [originally] and now Unix like for desktop is Linux - this I would like to migrate to 100%. MT does live on Linux if have say, Wine.

Am pleased for you that able to 'coble' together various bits 'n pieces. Your visual skillset is a worthy attribute - I have often sought same but to no avail, oh well...

Trully, your willingness to learn MQL4 will reap benifits and since you do know of that 'thrill' of which I speak, well then - am sure you will not have difficulty with MT. Also MQL5 is on the horizon, giving more useful functionality and of course, new mountains to scale for us all ;-)

Please reply now and then - interesting to learn how you progress, ok?


Tim does not sound like a Russian name. Thanks for all your input. I'll try to keep in touch. I'll keep an ear to the ground for posts that you respond too. Again thanks for all the learning links. Your comments about the Russian and English versions of this site were help full. I have noticed that some of the referenced files have the comments in Russian but the article was all in English. I went ahead and did a bit of copy and paste so when I go into the program for ideas I'll understand what I am looking at. MQL5 scares me. What will happen with all the compiled programs? Will all the info I have acquired be applicable? My email is I feal I have made a new friend and would like to be able to share ideas with. Contact me some time.



Mike, here is forum thread on MQL5 which is yet to be released and the development team are actively working on it... 'Interview with Stanislav Starikov: Features of New MQL5'

It will be backwards compatible, maybe a few tweeks needed on MQL4 code but again, they have basically said that not an issue.

Scare? why... is still basically same concept platform and syntax is going to be enhanced - YIPPEE! Really... is a win-win situation and all will use according to their skills so that not scary at all - is gonna be FUN :o))

Existing MetaTrader knowledge is of course applicable - just enhancements like speed, increased trading functionality and more choice in language syntax, etc.


Great adventures await the brave hearted, yes?